School Dropout

School dropouts among the Ogiek girls Author: Naomi Chelangat There has been an increase in teen pregnancies, especially during the lockdown. Reports from data managed by the government health information systems show that teen pregnancies have gone high between...

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Effects of FGM

PREVALENCE AND EFFECTS OF FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION Author: Chemutai Tegeret FGM comprises all procedures involving the removal of the external female genitalia or the injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons. FGM is the practice that results...

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Youth and adolescent

Youths are the future generation of every society, and in that sense they must be empowered for a better future. We all agree that youths play vital roles in the society including leadership, maintaining culture and the current status...

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Indigenous Peoples’ Rights

Indigenous peoples are a group of people who face double discrimination, either because of their gender or because of their ethnicity.In all of our advocacy work, Tirap Youth Trust believes in using a human-centered approach.This is accomplished by disseminating...

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Tirap Youth

Tirap Youth Trust


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Phone: +254742602044


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